Monday, August 14, 2006

Tuesdays with Morrie

This is a fantastic memoir about relationships, love, death, and the true meaning of life. It is also about the change that can happen within the human heart when a person loves another unconditionally and is willing to really listen and learn. I loved this book, it is a very quick read, just a couple of wonderful hours worth. Or digest is slower for full absorption. HIGHLY recommend. Took me awhile to get around to reading this, it has been out awhile, but I am sure glad I did.


Blogger Lisa said...


This really has nothing to do with Morrie (forgive me) but I noticed that you read "The Bean Trees." While I liked that one (I started with the second book, Pigs in Heaven, and liked it better), Barbara Kingsolver wrote possibly my favorite book ever - The Poisonwood Bible. If you haven't read it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Mom2the6Rs said...

Lisa, I did read Poisonwood. It, too, was a favorite, though a bit depressing. Her imagery is simply amazing! Thanks for your comments! I have Animal Dreams and Prodigal Summer by her on my shelf right now, just begging to be read!


11:10 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I didn't like Prodigal Summer (not very well written and a lousy story - I didn't think she would do pulp romance) but Animal Dreams was good.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Mom2the6Rs said...

Thanks for the advice on Prodigal summer.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Chickadeeva said...

I loved this book and I have to admit, when I got towards the last few Thursdays, I put the book down because somehow if I felt I didn't finish the book, then Morrie would live.

But, I finished the book, with a tear, and hoped that I would make a difference in someone's life before I pass along. I only hope I will die in my sleep.

6:20 PM  

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